Take Back Trust is on a mission on a missiomissio is to reproductive healthcare in an ever-changing political landscape.Take Back Trust is lege of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
ACOG makes their position on abortion as healthcare clear on their advocacy page titled, Facts Are Important: Abortion Is Healthcare.
"Induced abortion is an essential component of women’s health care. Like all medical matters, decisions regarding abortion should be made by patients in consultation with their health care providers and without undue interference by outside parties. Like all patients, women obtaining abortion are entitled to privacy, dignity, respect, and support."
Abortion Support
- Planned Parenthood offers resources, education, and healthcare.
- Shout Your Abortion makes resources, campaigns, and media intended to arm existing activists, create new ones, and foster collective participation in abortion access.
- All-Options uses direct service and social change strategies to promote unconditional, judgment-free support for people in all of their decisions, feelings, and experiences with pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption. They do this through All-Options Talkline, All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center, Faith Aloud clergy counseling, and Pregnancy Options Workshops.
- Motherhood Meets Medicine - Why Abortion is Basic Healthcare with Dr. Marta Perez - The goal of this podcast is to educate from an evidence based position and to reach those that may have opposing views to our own.
- ACCESS a podcast about abortion - Abortion is popular, and common. So why are people afraid to talk about it? How much more might you understand about abortion access in the U.S. if talking about it wasn’t taboo? Our goal is to answer all the questions you might have been afraid to ask, dedicating every single episode to abortion. There are no pundits here, only experts—including real people who’ve had abortions.
Reproductive Education
- Take Back Trust is on a mission to empower you to take control of your reproductive healthcare in an ever-changing political landscape.
TED Talk
A better way to talk about abortion
Online article
My Abortion is a piece from New York Magazine where 26 women share their abortion stories.
Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives (2005)